The ABCD unConference

Hosted by global asset and strengths-based practitioners from around the world, with over 24 hours of rolling time events, this virtual (un)Conference will engage global groups with all levels of formal and informal experience to hold space and facilitate conversations about the questions that have been keeping you up at night about assets and strengths-based action.

Five & Two will be hosting a session called: ‘Methods are many, but principles are few. Methods always change. Principles never do.’

The 2021 key unConference themes are:

-Community strengths, wisdom and resilience in times of crisis

-Stories of co-creation, gathering and collectivism

-Disrupting community development

The ABCD Unconference will feature 3 styles of sessions.

-Inspire: Inspire through storytelling. Spark curiosity of participant lead outcomes, with interaction.

-Innovate: Encourage skills development by sharing a practical example of an innovative and applied approach, whilst explaining tools and techniques used.

-Initiate: Bringing together like-minded people around large scale conversations that matter to support the emergence of social innovation and transformation.

Anyone is welcome to attend and we invite you to join us. You can find more out about the conference here.


Golden GUNGU!


Life Saving Volunteers in Nepal